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FromSoft's next game isn't Dark Souls 4, Sekiro 2, Bloodborne 2, or Elden Ring 2... but Armored Core 6

FromSoft has finally anounced its next game – and it's not Dark Souls 4, Sekiro 2, Bloodborne 2, or Elden Ring 2... but another classic franchise.

We've known for the past half-year that FromSoftware's latest game is in the final stages of development – and now we finally know what it is, too: Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon.

The game, announced at The Game Awards 2022, comes with a trailer announcing that the game will launch on PS5, Xbox Series, and PC. The last game in the series launched back in 2012 – so it's been 10 whole years since we saw the series in action proper.

Check out the trailer below.

A survey for the game suggested that this Armored Core title “is a [third-person shooter] mecha action title that lets you move around an overwhelmingly scaled map that represents a unique sci-fi world with dynamic mech action”. Per the survey (that has not yet been formalised by the studio, or publisher Bandai Namco, “you will face strong enemies and fierce battles both long and short range using guns and blades.” Par for the course for Armored Core, then.

Studio boss Hidetaka Miyazaki has alluded to a new Armored Core back in 2016, noting it'd be something of a reboot of the series:

"It's been a while since "Armored Core: Verdict Day, and it's true that there was a difficult situation in the temporary series, but I'm not going to end the Armored Core series," he said. "I think the Armored Core concept is still attractive enough to be re-sublimated into an interesting and valuable game, and there are many excellent staff in the company who want to make it.

If you were expecting another game though – whether it's Dark Souls 4, Sekiro 2, Bloodborne 2, or Elden Ring 2 – don't fret: we know that FromSoft has multiple titles in development.

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Dom Peppiatt

Features Editor

Dom is a veteran video games critic, published author and columnist at has appeared in publications ranging from Daily Star to NME. Passionate about games and the greater good they can achieve, you can usually find Dom listening to records, faffing about in the kitchen, or playing Final Fantasy VIII (again). They also have a column about games and music at The Guardian.

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